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1-26-10 Minutes
Meeting - Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present:  Marcia Lambert, Amy Alpert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Sandra Power, Sara Fiore, Maryanne Piechocki, Bev Moustakis, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe   Absent: Jan Kendall

Chairperson Marcia Lambert called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

The minutes of the meeting held November 24, 2010 were approved as written.

Old Business:

1.  Holiday season review – Marcia noted that the Committee got great press.  Ellen noted that the work of Signatures, Main Streets and the Committee in creating the candy striped light poles topped with bow decorated wreaths drew lots of attention.  Moreover the hot chocolate provided by The Gathering and served by members of the Committee was well received.  The decorations are to be taken down this week.  The costs of the various decorations including the sponsors’ banner were discussed.  It was moved and seconded that the Committee contribute $300.00 for purchased lights and extension cords plus one half of the cost of the banner towards the Christmas event.  Motion passed.

2.  Public Art - Mary Ellen, Sam, and Pete (Salem Arts Association) met to discuss the “figure head” project.  They have identified a 33 x 14 inch “bow Sprite” model that they like. The cost is in the $149.00 range. The plan would be to work with about twenty models.  It was suggested that artists from the Salem Arts Association could be available to paint the figures.  Sponsors would be found to cover the cost of the model plus a fee for the artist.  The figures can be displayed outdoors or indoors.  It was moved and seconded that Mary Ellen be authorized to purchase one of the models.  The motion carried.  The committee will continue to explore and work on the details or the project.

3. Anti litter campaign with the Recycling Committee – Marcia distributed copies of the poster the Salem Beautification Committee has previously used.  The joint Beautification Committee/Recycling Committee project was discussed.  Mary Ann, Sandi and Marcia will represent the Committee on the joint project. The poster suggested that fines would be assessed for littering.  The fine issue will be explored.

4.  Clean Sweeps (May 1, 2010) -   Discussion focused on methods by which the event can be advertised.  Sandi suggested that notices be sent out earlier to give neighborhood and other organizations more opportunity to participate.   Ellen will facilitate meetings with various City related organizations.  Amy is to take literature to the Y.M.C.A.  Ellen showed samples of past advertising efforts including “Save the Date” cards.  There have also been newspaper stories and notices on SATV.   It was noted that as in the past, Earth Day and Recycling Committee events are expected.  This year Salem Sound has asked for a table.

5.   Plant Sale (May 15, 2010) –.  Contributions of local plants are to be solicited again.
Sandi volunteered to manage the donated plant portion of the event. Amy will contact Darlene of “Flowers by Darlene

6. Traffic Island/Public Spaces Review – A list of public places of interest to the Committee was distributed.  Ellen asked the Committee to come up with a list of spaces that need to be improved.   There is to be a meeting of the Open Space and Recreation Committee on the 9th of February that will consider grant proposals.  Sandi has a list of wishes dating back to 2007 and has a key and map of the Traffic Islands. Ellen is to send an email

7.  New Members -  The need was acknowledged but time for discussion was limited.

8.  The Mayor’s list of suggested initiatives – Some suggests were included in previous agenda items.

9.  Halloween – Discussion was tabled.

10.  Call for future project suggestions - Mary Ellen suggested that the Committee create Christmas greeting cards to raise money.   Amy suggested that the Committee create banners and/or decorate light poles with seasonal decorations.

11. Other – Sandi noted that part of our mission is to involve the community. She suggested that the City sponsor a party in March or April as a “Thank you” to all those in the community who have volunteered time on Committee projects and as an invitation to become a volunteer.  Bev suggested that a Traffic Island of Salem poster be created.

A Motion to Adjourn was offered, seconded and approved.

Next Meeting – February 23, 2010
Chairperson     - Marcia Lambert